Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Not wanting to get wet,she waited under the roof for a lull in the rain.A man clad in mangy clothes on the opposite foot ogled openly at her."Who knows what evils lurk in the hearts of men"she thought,feeling the malaise from which she could not disentangle herself.She was a bit leery of the man's intentions.The lewd eyes of the man made her quiver.She uttered dreadful maledictions to the Rain Gods.Unscrupulously seducing her,the man felt no qualms about the immorality of his licentious demeanor.The man, somewhat torpid, as after a long hibernation,lumbered towards her.Gradually his shadow loomed threateningly over her.She was loath to wait over there...
..."Honk!Honk!hey!what are you doing in this unearthly hour and in such an inclement weather???Come,I'll drop you home..."

Friday, August 11, 2006

Sitting in one corner,dour and taciturn,extricating myself from the dormant stage,realising what a dupe i was...people's attitude have changed...they've moved far apart just like ripples formed when a stone is thrown in water...i was so fatuous to realise it so late...i thought that some ties were bound to last till senility but...i cannot condone their treatment in making me feel estranged...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The visceral sensation on the roller coaster ride...the sporadic outbursts of laughter...i can hear her call...but im on a different roller coaster ride altogether...but do wait lil kid...i know ur there...

not only stock...i need flow too :(

Thursday, August 03, 2006

No more puerile more indulgence to outwit his friends....his demeanor could best be described as filled with emotional lability and sudden shifts of mood...but it was all because of his loss...and it was evident because he was unable to conceal his pique....he would fritter away his time sitting idly and rue n mourn each and every moment of the past...he would feel impuissant in his own environment...we could never fully plumb the depths of his thought process....later we didnt even try doing so....earlier he had lost a he was losing the war...